Colleen Pelar's FIT score quiz: Which Resilience Activities Are Most Likely to Work For You?We don't all like the same things. Kinda obvious, huh? But who has time to try a million different alternatives? Wouldn't it be nice if there were a way to figure out which activities might work best for YOU? Luckily for you, there is! This tool helps you rate 12 types of activities across 5 different variables. Once you've found your Fit Scores, it'll be easier to pinpoint which activities are likely to be most beneficial for you.The Fit Score is a measure of what psychologist Ken Sheldon calls "self-determined motivation," or a commitment to engage in an activity because it's grounded in your genuine interests and personal values. The activities with the highest Fit Scores are likely to be the ones that will feel most natural and enjoyable to you, will be easiest to sustain over time, and will have the greatest impact on your happiness.#EducationandTraining#PeopleManagement(includingVolunteerIntegration)
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