Here at PCAS, we've developed our onboarding for Dog Walker trainings to streamline it for our team. It's a two-part training so to speak. Part 1 is that they have to watch our Dog Handling Playlist on our private youtube channel, which we added the link to on our Volgistics profile page for when they sign into their account. The videos are quick, each less than 5 minutes and cover topics such as "Removing & Returning a Dog to its Kennel", "Using our White Board" (which is where we mark off the dogs that have been walked), and "Reporting Medical Concerns".After they watch the videos on their own time, they're setup for a 90 minute buddy training with one of our Volunteer Trainers. These are pre-set days of the week and times that our trainers agree to, so I just schedule them from there. After that session, the trainer is responsible for letting the trainee and myself know 1 of 3 things: 1-They're approved to walk dogs, 2-They're approved only to walk our small dogs for now, 3-This is not the right role for them or they need additional training.We then have the trainer & trainee sign off on a Dog Walker Checklist which is also uploaded to their Volunteer profile on Volgistics & we add those roles as active on their profile so they can begin to sign up for shifts.I've attached a copy of the checklist here.#Behavior,TrainingandEnrichment#PeopleManagement(includingVolunteerIntegration)
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