We rent out traps and use the attached rental agreement. Individuals can rent out 2 traps at a time. The 2 local TNR clinics that take walk-ins allow up to 2 cats per person, which is why we landed on 2 trap rentals.
There is a $20 deposit per trap. The rental period is 2 weeks and they get their deposit back if the traps are returned on time.
We send a trap cover (sheet, blanket, towel, etc) out with every trap to help emphasize the importance of covering a trapped cat. There is no tracking method for covers (we are pretty well stocked on fabric items).
All of our traps have a dog tag attached with the trap number and our shelter contact information on them.
6150 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 125Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: (925) 310-5450Email: forumhelp@maddiesfund.org
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