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Resources (2) from Webinar: "The Future Is Four: The Right Care" - Maddie's Million Pet Challenge 

05-10-2022 01:20 PM

Two resources shared on the 5/10/22 "The Future is Four: The Right Care" webinar 

Webinar description: 
The Right Care Offering the Right Care means animals are not left in dangerous circumstances to cause harm, suffer, or die because the shelter can‚ admit them; nor are they are admitted to a crowded shelter when there are better options within the community. Drs. Chumkee Aziz and Denae Wagner discuss how to provide humane housing and match community need to community capacity and shelter services to ensure all animals receive the care that is right for them.

Attached resources: 

  • The Mighty To-Don't List
  • Fast Track Scoring Sheet


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2 Files
pdf file
3 The Mighty Do-Don't List.pdf   900 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-10-2022
docx file
Fast Track Scoring Sheet Revision July 2019.docx   19 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-10-2022

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