Kansas City Pet Project Job Opening: https://kcpetproject.org/careers/ April Huntsman, CAWA, Director of Animal Welfare Insights, Adopt-a-Pet.comapril@adoptapet.com
Web toolshttps://trends.google.com/trends/?geo=US
SEO (search engine optimization) Minion extension https://seominion.com
FUNdamentals of Marketing self-paced course https://university.maddiesfund.org/products/fundamentals-of-marketing
Maddie’s® Candid Conversation with Dr. Lila Miller- August 24https://maddiesfund-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqf-2hpz8qHtOR_F97Bfuq1BXDfpklxnyC
New webcast: Language that harms cats – August 18 at 12:00 PM PThttps://maddiesfund-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ThlK9FoqRJayZ8uhx6nk3g
Trap giveaway! Bingo! From your friends at Million Cat Challenge
Monica Frenden-Tarant, Danielle Bays, Dr. Julie Levy
Register for the webinar, find the Bingo cards, enter the trap giveaway contest, and continue the dialog on Maddie's Pet Forum here: https://bit.ly/WebcastLanguageThatHarmsCats
6150 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 125Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: (925) 310-5450Email: forumhelp@maddiesfund.org
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