Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  BOOMING?? Thinking "outside the box"??

    Posted 02-14-2024 04:07 PM

    I just gotta love Julielani Chang! She saw in me the "out of the box" idea! It's working! My County Mayor says the "over pet population" here is a "people problem" here..(me & mayor AGREE).....YES, it is, and rural! I NEVER told anyone this about a symposium I went to regarding S/N, (2016) they mentioned this is the "hardest task to complete"....DON'T TELL me something is too hard to is just something that is DO-ABLE, if you know the plan! YEAH ME, for doing homework, I had a "chitchat" with my County Mayor and he wants to give me money via my County so I can get "matching funds" from other Foundations, my OWN Board of Directors & my Corporation...Once this is documented information on  receiving small grants from a /CityCounty, "everybody wants 2 jump on Board"! Do NOT FEEL AFRAID to reach out to your OWN Board of Directors and the Community....My organization is offering $100 to RESCUE a dog on "death row" & how my (new adoptive families) are stepping up to the plate!...Getting ALL this DONATIONS is absolutely exclusive to My Greene County, reduces the burden on my Greene County Animal Control and euthanasia......If $100 is what it takes, I am doing it & then some! Thank you for anyone that wants to develop my plan, I am "ALL EARS &EYES"!....Mary Murray, LadywiththeHuskies, PROOF4PETS &


    Mary Murray
    CEO, Founder & President
    Greene Animal League

  • 2.  RE: BOOMING?? Thinking "outside the box"??

    Posted 02-15-2024 05:50 PM

    Can I give a plug for Alex Pacheco ( & those who are working on oral sterilisation for both cats & dogs?

    We need to get ahead of the breeding curve. Orals and/or injectibles that can be administered by non-professionals is the only way to accomplish this so despite what the Veterinary Associations say, it can & must be done. We have birth control for pigeons, & deer while Kruger Nat Park has birth control for lions & wild dogs. We have the technology but do we have the will to implement.

    Thank you.


    Lars Pardo
    Paw in Tau Foundation

  • 3.  RE: BOOMING?? Thinking "outside the box"??

    Posted 02-16-2024 02:28 PM
    My latest on $100 for each new adaptive family today @ Greene County Animal Control, TN...its working, we got close to 100 hits since 3pm EST....the money covers VETTING...I hope these photo's are in order? Mary Murray, Ladywiththe Huskies, PROOF4PETS &
    Mary Murray
    CEO, Founder & President
    Greene Animal League

  • 4.  RE: BOOMING?? Thinking "outside the box"??

    Posted 19 days ago

    Hi, Mary! I'm glad that you're thinking outside of the box. Innovation is needed in rescue world. I went to your site, and the pups are adorable. 

    If I understand correctly, your organization works with your shelter to collect money ($100) for  each shelter dog to fund  the spay or neuter of each  dog prior to leaving the kennel? This is part of the vetting. Do you have a shelter Vet who fixes the dogs?

    And Greene County acts as your "sponsor" when you apply for grants?

    I'm in Memphis, and we are trying to create a spay/neuter program for the strays. 

    Thank you, Catherine 

    Catherine Pipe
    We Foster Dogs Organization
    Cordova TN

  • 5.  RE: BOOMING?? Thinking "outside the box"??

    Posted 12 days ago

    Happy New Year! New "innovative ideas"...NO, I receive NO funding from any County, including my own! I use the neighboring County's Clinic for a S/N $95, I use VIP PET CARE for microchip $30.  I use renowned laboratories for Genetic Breed ID and Doggie DNA (more expensive but I have worked with the labs repeatedly, get some freebies and loyalty credits! So how can I afford this? I apply for grants and donations, get matching ones and put all funding in a High Yield Savings account, no restrictions...I make enough on the interest alone to afford a bunch of S/N, chips, etc,. per month and since its being used for a charitable purpose it is non-taxable! My forte is math and money, learn to use your money as a tool...This got me started on my "SPAY IT FORWARD" program, mathematically, it's brilliant and offers the Community an alternative to those NOT being able to afford but deserve to have a pet! If you need more details & ideas, feel free to reach out 2 me, Mary Murray, VIE, Inc, LadywiththeHuskies, PROOF4PETS &

    [Mary Murray]
    [Founder, CEO and President
    [Greene Animal League
    [Greeneville, TN

  • 6.  RE: BOOMING?? Thinking "outside the box"??

    Posted 12 days ago

    The perennial issue re:funding.

    We have an Animal Ministry at our local Episcopal Church and we foster animals thru it - both at a farm sanctuary & at the shelter. Our argument has closely followed Meister Eckhard's quote : 'every Creature, a Word of God' thus it follows that a church that feels an obligation to help out the human species, should expand its 'circle of compassion' (Schweitzer) to include 4-legged  members and environments that help nurture & keep our congregations mentally and physically healthy.

    Lars Pardo
    Paw in Tau Foundation