Happy New Year! New "innovative ideas"...NO, I receive NO funding from any County, including my own! I use the neighboring County's Clinic for a S/N $95, I use VIP PET CARE for microchip $30. I use renowned laboratories for Genetic Breed ID and Doggie DNA (more expensive but I have worked with the labs repeatedly, get some freebies and loyalty credits! So how can I afford this? I apply for grants and donations, get matching ones and put all funding in a High Yield Savings account, no restrictions...I make enough on the interest alone to afford a bunch of S/N, chips, etc,. per month and since its being used for a charitable purpose it is non-taxable! My forte is math and money, learn to use your money as a tool...This got me started on my "SPAY IT FORWARD" program, mathematically, it's brilliant and offers the Community an alternative to those NOT being able to afford but deserve to have a pet! If you need more details & ideas, feel free to reach out 2 me, Mary Murray, VIE, Inc, LadywiththeHuskies, PROOF4PETS & https://greeneanimalleague.org
[Mary Murray]
[Founder, CEO and President
[Greene Animal League
[Greeneville, TN
Original Message:
Sent: 12-30-2024 03:24 PM
From: Catherine Pipe
Subject: BOOMING?? Thinking "outside the box"??
Hi, Mary! I'm glad that you're thinking outside of the box. Innovation is needed in rescue world. I went to your site, and the pups are adorable.
If I understand correctly, your organization works with your shelter to collect money ($100) for each shelter dog to fund the spay or neuter of each dog prior to leaving the kennel? This is part of the vetting. Do you have a shelter Vet who fixes the dogs?
And Greene County acts as your "sponsor" when you apply for grants?
I'm in Memphis, and we are trying to create a spay/neuter program for the strays.
Thank you, Catherine
Catherine Pipe
We Foster Dogs Organization
Cordova TN
Original Message:
Sent: 02-15-2024 06:15 PM
From: Mary Murray
Subject: BOOMING?? Thinking "outside the box"??
My latest on $100 for each new adaptive family today @ Greene County Animal Control, TN...its working, we got close to 100 hits since 3pm EST....the money covers VETTING...I hope these photo's are in order? Mary Murray, Ladywiththe Huskies, PROOF4PETS &
Mary Murray
CEO, Founder & President
Greene Animal League