I know that fatigue is a heavy topic and after today's call, you may be wondering, "so what can I actually do now?" I know I sure left the call that way! I heard so many examples from Dr. Taylor that I definitely do without even realizing it's a sign of fatigue.
The thing about self-care is it is a daily practice that we often neglect. We care for animals 7 days a week so why shouldn't we take care of ourselves 7 days a week? I know I'm not the best at it myself so I wanted to share some additional Compassion Fatigue resources I've found that are available to you and your organization to help you continue this important work.
Free Learning in Maddie's University: Here's a quick list of some self-paced free courses that you and individuals on your staff can take at any time and all courses in Maddie's University are approved for continuing education credits. https://maddies.fund/MUCompassionFatigue
- Compassionate Lifesaving: Taking Care of You and Your Team to Save More Animals, Parts 1 & 2
- Overcoming Obstacles: Wisdom of the Warrior with David Meyer, founder of Adopt-a-Pet
- An Evidence-Based Look at Compassion Fatigue: Diagnosing the Doctor and Healing the Healer, Parts 1 & 2
- HASS: How to Expand Veterinary Access, Increase Revenues and Prevent Burnout
- Personnel Satisfaction - Managing Compassion Stress Parts 1 & 2
Jessica Dolce is a Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator and has spent almost 20 years working with companion animals. I encourage you to check out her website which has tons of compassion fatigue resources like self assessments and when you sign up for her mailing list you will receive the ABCs of Self-care Workbook for anyone who is in search of a little self-care guidance. I also recommend reading her blogs she wrote for
HeARTs Speak linked below, my favorite is "Where do your stories go" which talks about we as humans are story sponges-- we soak up so many emotions and traumatic stories that we need to find ways to wring out that sponge and let things go. It's an easy read with some practical tips.
Compassion Fatigue Strategies from University of Florida's Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program
Charlotte Otero
Community Strategist at Maddie's Fund
Original Message:
Sent: 08-25-2022 01:09 PM
From: Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
Subject: Community Conversations - 8/29/22 - Fatigue In All Its Flavors: Decision, Compassion & Ethical/Moral Fatigue
Updated 8/29/22 at 2:22pm -- Recording is now available to watch on-demand! Be sure to enter to win a grant by completing this entry form each time you attend or watch the recording: https://www.maddiesfund.org/weekly-community-conversations-aug22-giveaway.htm
Views expressed on the Maddie's® Community Conversations are not endorsed by Maddie's Fund.
We hope you will join us for the next Community Conversation on Monday, August 29 at 11am PT for a very important discussion on fatigue that animal well-being professionals experience daily from working with people and pets in our communities.
We will be joined by Dr. Taylor Miller from Not One More Vet who will be presenting on, "Fatigue in All Its Flavors: Decision Fatigue, Compassion Fatigue, & Ethical/Moral Fatigue". Compassion fatigue is a hot topic in the veterinary world, but it falls short in explaining the career fatigue rampant in our profession. Or rather, it may represent a kind of end-stage fatigue. If this is the case, we need to intervene, recognize, and address all the stages and manifestations of fatigue that precede it. This presentation discusses and differentiates between ethical or moral fatigue, decision fatigue, and compassion fatigue to round out our understanding of these factors that so impact our mental health. By increasing awareness and providing more nuanced metrics for self-monitoring, fatigue can be addressed more effectively and efficiently.
About Not One More Vet (nomv.org)
NOMV addresses wellbeing in veterinary medicine through multiple innovative and inclusive pathways including: evidence-based peer support; comprehensive programs providing leadership focused on wellness; grant programs providing financial support for individuals and clinics experiencing crisis; mentorship and best practices programs addressing mental health from educational institutions to the workplace; raising awareness of the status of mental health in the profession; and research to further the advancement of wellness, mental health, and the reduction of suicide in veterinary professionals.
Register for the meeting here: https://maddies.fund/CommunityConversationsRegistration and be sure to check back after the call for compassion fatigue and self-care resources for you and your team to utilize.
Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
Maddie's Fund