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Customize Your Discussion Signature

  • 1.  Customize Your Discussion Signature

    Posted 04-14-2023 12:05 PM

    What is a discussion signature?

    A discussion signature is used in Maddie's Pet Forum similar to how your email signature is used in your email inbox. Your discussion signature will appear at the bottom of each new discussion thread you create and each reply you leave on discussions. 

    You can customize the information that appears on your discussion signature from the "My Account" section of your profile. To get here, click on your avatar in the top right corner and select "Profile".

    Click on your avatar in the top right corner then select

    From your profile page, click on the "My Account" text and select "Discussion Signature" or simply follow this link:

    From your profile, select
    From the
    Discussion Signature page, you'll have the opportunity to adjust which variables you want to be included in your signature on Maddie's Pet Forum. By default, your signature will include your First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Company Name, City and State. Most of these fields are required when you create an account on Maddie's Pet Forum.

    Default fields include: First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Company Name, City & State

    To edit the information on your profile that your signature pulls from, there are two areas to edit what is displayed. To edit your First Name and Last Name fields, click on the pencil icon next to your name on your profile.
    Click on the pencil icon next to your name to edit your First Name and Last Name values
    You'll see the following pop-up with fields for you to edit your User Name on Maddie's Pet Forum such as your Prefix, First Name, Last Name, Informal Name, Suffix and Designation. You can update as much information here as you'd like, just be sure to Save any changes you make.
    Allows you to edit your First Name and Last Name as will appear in your discussion signature

    To edit the other fields that will appear in your discussion signature, click on the pencil icon next to "Contact Details"
    Click the pencil icon next to
    You will see the following pop-up that will allow you to view and edit any additional information that can be pulled into your discussion signature like your Company Name, Job Title, City, State, Phone Number, Postal Code, etc.

    Adjust other fields that will appear in your discussion signature here
    Again, you can update as much information here as you'd like. For any updates you make, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the pop-up and click the Save button to ensure your changes take effect.
    Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the pop-up and select Save to ensure updates are made
    Once you've updated your profile information, you can then update which variables are pulled into your discussion signature. From the My Signature view, you'll see the default variables that are included in your signature on the left hand side. You'll also see a list of "Available Variables" that you can use in your discussion signature on the right hand side. To add one of the available variables to your discussion signature, click on the variable and it'll be added to your default signature. In the example below, I've added my [WebsiteUrl] to my discussion signature.

    Another way to manage your discussion signature is to remove all of the default signature variables and enter your signature exactly as you want it to appear in that box. This is a great place to link to your organization's social media pages or your professional profile. Just be sure to hit the Save button when making your changes.
    Example of your website URL being included in your discussion signature
    If you make changes to your signature and want to revert to the original signature template, click on the "Use Default Template" button to reset.
    To revert to the original discussion signature template, select the

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