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Getting started with grant writing

  • 1.  Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-28-2023 07:35 AM

    Hi all!  

    i volunteered to look into Grant writing for the rescue I volunteer with and feel I am out of my depth.  Is there someone who could help me navigate this process and perhaps give tips and tricks that help?


    Kathleen Morabito

  • 2.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-28-2023 08:36 PM

    I am in the same situation with you. I am also looking into new grant opportunities and increase our success in grant writing l. I will be following this thread! Thanks for posting.

    Asli (Ashley) Akkaya
    Rescue Volunteer
    Good Karma Pet Rescue Inc

  • 3.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-28-2023 11:46 PM

    Asli, try .  Here are some sample grants

    Julielani Chang
    The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
    Davis CA

  • 4.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-30-2023 02:24 PM

    Thank you so much! This is great!!

    Asli (Ashley) Akkaya
    Rescue Volunteer
    Good Karma Pet Rescue Inc

  • 5.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-29-2023 06:40 AM

    I have found creating a committee and assigning different grants is very helpful.  It's also great to reach out to other like organizations to share thoughts on certain grants, were they successful,  do they have any tips locally that are helpful and share share share.  We are all in the same arena, our love of animals and saving lives.  We have a local state organization called Spay Tennessee, and they have been very helpful with referring grants and tips.  Don't give up, as there are many grants out there that will fit your needs.  

    1. Be sure your request matches the application/foundation/program guidance - e.g., if they only fund s/n for pit bulls, that's all you talk about (no cats, no rescue dogs). This is super important! Most animal welfare grants are spay/neuter for low-income residents of your community. Talking about other things makes them think you won't stay focused on spending the money the way they want/expect. For non-animal welfare foundations, you may need to explain pet overpopulation, but do so mostly with local factual info (data/stats) from your area. More and more, the Foundations are looking for specific projects, focusing on targeted areas (trailer park, township, etc) or large dogs or free-roaming cats and not just general s/n support. 

    2. The only thing you should ever say about rescue is that all rescue animals are spayed/neutered prior to adoption. If you cannot truthfully state that, you will not be eligible for most funding. The foundations know that voucher programs and deposits do not work.

    3. Fill out the application completely. No blanks. If something doesn't apply, put in "not applicable". Or a "0" if you don't have any budget data for that line item. Do not send more than they ask for. Follow instructions for # of copies, attachments, and whether or not to use staples or paperclips (!). The narrative should be clear and concise.
    Sending it in early (before deadline) often means a chance to send in corrections as needed!

    4. Do the math homework and know your numbers! If you are asking for $10K but only do a few surgeries/week, can you spend it in grant timeline? Are you asking for more than your actual costs? Does the subsidy + co-pay = your price list (from vets/clinics or an avg) and stay within funding limits? In general, you should not ask for more than 25-30% of annual budget from any single funder and Foundations may have a lower threshold in their guidelines or FAQ. Always tell them if and how you would spend lesser amounts if your application is not fully funded. E.g., We would be able to use less funding to spay/neuter fewer animals. Go ahead and tell them the total cost of your project and what other funding sources you are pursuing. The budget for the grant can often be as simple as an average subsidy of $40/pet x 100 pets = $4000 request.

    5. The worst thing you can say is "if we don't get this money, we will have to shut down". The grantors simply expect you to be more solvent than that. Do not sound desperate.

    6. Always do a follow-up or final report to the grantors after the money is spent (or on/before the date they ask for one) and tell them exactly how it was spent (# of animals, avg cost). Some have their own formats and info to include. Pay attention and send them what they want when they want it. More and more, they want pictures, it helps them raise donor dollars. If they don't ask for one, send a summary anyway (unless they say not to). Send pix of happy animals who stay in their home because they got fixed! (and do your own press release on the same story!)
    NO double-dipping!

    7. Collaborations/partnerships are great! Be sure to mention those and feel free to draft the letter of support you need from your partners, as needed, especially for those unfamiliar with specifics of your efforts (county officials, etc).

    I hope this helps and best of luck on your grant journey.

    Teresa Underwood
    Monroe County Friends of Animals

  • 6.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-30-2023 03:15 AM

    Thank you for sharing such detailed tips. You mentioned creating a committee and assigning different grants to them. My question is do you have tips on enticing volunteers to be a part of such a committee? We are a small nonprofit sanctuary with farm, exotic and domestic small animals in a very rural area. We struggle with getting volunteers to help with these type of adminstrative duties. 

    Lisa Burn
    Farmhouse Animal & Nature Sanctuary
    Myakka City, FL

  • 7.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-28-2023 11:34 PM

    Hi Kathleen,
    Think of it as a match. First, you need to identify the problems that you want to solve. Then you need to find grantors that support that particular type of problem. Some grants support operational costs ( very few) and others focus on programs or projects. The scope of programs and projects is usually defined and specific making it easier to support. Grantors want to see track records so good data are helpful.  For example, you are looking for grant to fund a pilot program - hiring a part time trainer to work with the long stay big dogs. The problem is specific. You can look at the data from your own rescue or shelter to show that the big dogs compare to the small dogs dont get adopted quickly.  You can go back 5 years with the data. Then you want to look for grantors that support adoptions of big dogs or support programs that decrease LOS.  So now you have a match. Next you want to show the grantors that training can be a solution. So you do some research to find data that support training of big dogs improve their adoption.  Try to find at least 3 references. You can go into details about the kind of training that is most helpful - loose leash walking, impulse control etc. Now you are ready to write.  When it comes to the actual writing, you tone will have to be persuasive. You want to convince the grantor that your program is low risk with high return and that they should invest in your program. Remember you are competing with other grantees so you have to make your plea compelling. Hope this helps.  

    Julielani Chang
    The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
    Davis CA

  • 8.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-28-2023 11:48 PM


    Here are some sample grants in the animal-related field from .

    Julielani Chang
    The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
    Davis CA

  • 9.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-29-2023 07:46 AM

    We have found the following resource to be helpful, Grants 4 Animals:


    Kathleen Makolinski

  • 10.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-13-2023 11:59 AM

    Thank you for this referral Kathleen.  I've already checked out the website and thinking of taking the course on Grant Writing.  Did you take this course, if so what are your thoughts?    Have you had any success getting grants yet using this site/resources?  

    The Grant Writing course is several hundred dollars and I would be paying out of pocket so wanted your opinion.  Thanks!

    Jenna Ricci
    Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue

  • 11.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-13-2023 12:06 PM

    I have not taken the grant writing class that is offered. However, I have found other resources on the website to be valuable. 

    Kathleen Makolinski

  • 12.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-29-2023 07:57 AM

    I've been successfully writing grants for 45 years primarily in health care but most recently for animal welfare.  Everything that Teresa and Julieani have said is true.  The two most important aspects of grant writing are research and matching project to funder.  One thing I have done to be quickly prepared to apply for a grant is to create a file (both paper and electronic) of basic things you'll likely need for most grants: 1) IRS letter 2) List of board and officers 3) one-page overview of your organization 4) Your current over all budget and a budget for the specific project you're applying for 5) Your most recent 990 form (most grantors will only want page 1 if 990EZ) 6) some recent success stories and photos.  Especially in doing on-line applications having these documents close at hand helps so much in completing the application.  As I am sure you know, you can use free for a few research targets each month.  Two other good sources to review foundations and their interests and geographic service area are: and (this is Wells Fargo).  Both of these major banks manage a slew of smaller (and larger) foundations and give you a great tool to search for ones in your state and those who give nationally or regionally.   My organization is based in TN and in the past six weeks we've received 3 grants totaling over $25K from funders in MA and two in CA.  Again, I did my research both in size of the $ ask and what they were interested in (vet funds and transport).  I also LOVE grantgopher and they identified one of the grants I just mentioned. 

    Bruce Thorsen
    President, Board of Directors
    Purrfect Match Cat Rescue

  • 13.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-12-2023 11:43 AM

    Thank you for more resources in finding grants - I find that is harder for us than the writing!

    Julie Smith
    Executive Director
    SAGE Compassion for Animals

  • 14.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-29-2023 10:50 AM

    Hi Kathleen and Ashli,
    You've gotten some great advice from Bruce, Teresa, Julianne, and other people here.  I would add that a good source of information about grant databases and how to search them efficiently  is the reference department librarian at the largest public library near you.  (main library, not a suburban branch) . Call and ask if the reference department has access to databases on grantmaking and/or printed directories. Then you can visit and have an expert teach you how to search them.

    Margaret Buranen
    Itty Bitty Kitten Rescue
    Lexington, KY 

    Margaret Buranen
    Grants Officer
    Itty Bitty Kitten Rescue

  • 15.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-05-2023 09:28 AM

    Check out the Facebook group: Grant Writers Unite (Animal Welfare).  Might be some tidbits that could help you.

    Julie Townsend

  • 16.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-05-2023 10:11 AM

    Hi Kathleen

    Hats off to you for getting involved in grant writing, no doubt you will be a valuable asset to your organization! It looks like many here have offered some great insight. Maddies University also offers a free course on this subject, called Fundamentals for the 21st Century Grant Seeker (click the Catalog button when you're on your account dashboard)

    I have taken a course before when I was very new to grant writing, and here are just a few takeaways:

    Simplified steps: 

    1. Determine a need and your organization's capacity to address this need 

    1. Find the solution. Explain why you are the perfect fit to solve this issue 

    1. Research the perfect funder 

    1. Write proposal, then follow up! 

    If you are rejected --> follow up for feedback. Often times, it is because there are simply not enough resources for everybody. However, it is good to know if there is another reason.

    If a funder offers one-on-one meetings, take them. They will often give informal advice. Do your research ahead of time so you don't waste time asking questions such as when is the deadline, am I eligible, etc. Usually these are very easily found on the website.  


    • Do you offer the opportunity to read proposal drafts?  

    • Do you fund proposals in full, or partially? 

    • Do you like to be the sole funder or do you like to see lots of support? 

    • Do you like pilot projects or returning projects? 

    • Are there any trends you're seeing in the community regarding animal welfare? 

    • Are there any additional resources you can recommend? 

    • How can we support you and help you (the funder) reach your goals? 

    Make sure your goal is SMART:

    Hope this helps!

    Corinne Lawson
    Project and Development Coordinator
    Animal Protection Center of Southeastern Massachus

  • 17.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-09-2023 10:01 AM

    Here's the direct link to the Maddie's University conference recording "Fundamentals for the 21st Century Grant Seeker".

    Kim Domerofski (she/her)
    Community Manager
    Maddie's Fund

  • 18.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-12-2023 04:39 AM

    Unfortunately, I am getting a message that says the website cannot be found for this link.

    Julie Townsend
    Grant Coordinator
    3077 Wilson Dr NW, Grand Rapids MI 49534

    Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

  • 19.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-12-2023 08:01 AM

    Hi Kim,

    Thank you for posting the link but for some reason it did not work for me. I would love to access it. 


    Julielani Chang
    The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
    Davis CA

  • 20.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-12-2023 09:02 AM

    So sorry, @Julie Townsend  and @Julielani Chang ! I've updated the link and it should work now. Here it is:  Fundamentals for the 21st Century Grantseeker

    Kim Domerofski (she/her)
    Community Manager
    Maddie's Fund

  • 21.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-12-2023 09:06 AM
    I believe this link works better.  Thanks much!

    Julie Townsend
    Grant Coordinator
    3077 Wilson Dr NW, Grand Rapids MI 49534

    Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

  • 22.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-12-2023 02:02 PM

    Hi Kim,

    Thank you. It works. What a great resource. 

    Julielani Chang
    The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
    Davis CA

  • 23.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-15-2023 01:12 PM

    Thank you for sharing this!  

    Jenna Ricci
    Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue

  • 24.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-06-2023 09:32 PM

    Kathleen - Thank you for starting this thread. I am also fairly new to grant writing and most of the online search results I've found for assistance have not been very useful because they haven't been geared toward writing for animal rescue/animal welfare grants. This thread has already provided several great resources that I hadn't heard of before.  I've written and submitted several grant applications this year, but I know I still have a lot to learn.

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread - your recommendations and advice are very helpful.

    Gigi Zoltek

  • 25.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-12-2023 07:24 AM
    I feel grant writing it out of my depth as well. I will be following this thread in hopes of learning something. Thanks for asking about grant writing!
    Peter Zippi Memorial Fund

    christine lugo
    Peter Zippi Memorial Fund

  • 26.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-20-2023 07:19 AM

    Thank you for posting this! I am starting to shift my focus into grant writing for my organization now and find this to be super helpful! Searching for and finding grants is very daunting! I have found it to be helpful to sit down and figure out what are needs are and start getting quotes from businesses for our wish list projects.  

    One of the biggest barriers I've run in to is admission status of our organization. I have found quite a few grants that require open admission or admission that does not turn animals away. Unfortunately, we are a really small animal shelter so we find ourselves at capacity pretty frequently meaning we do have to turn animals away to surrounding area resources.

    Looking forward to reading everyone's response and learning more about grant writing!

    Shauney Moen
    Pope County Humane Society

  • 27.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-20-2023 07:26 AM
    Hi Shauney,

    Just saw your post.  Been there, done that!  

    I started a FB group you might get some info from.  Check it out.  It's called Grant Writers Unite (Animal Welfare)

    I would be more than happy to touch base with you if you want to have a call tomorrow or Thursday.  Moral support mostly, with some thoughts on next steps.  I will be working remote but could make time to chat it up.

    Julie Townsend
    Grant Coordinator
    3077 Wilson Dr NW, Grand Rapids MI 49534

    Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

  • 28.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-20-2023 07:55 AM

    Hi Julie!

    Thank you so much for the help and guidance! I'll check out the Facebook group. I'll shoot you an email when I have a better idea of my upcoming availability 

    Thanks again,


    Unfortunately, I'm a bit swamped tomorrow and Thursday this week. 

    Shauney Moen
    Pope County Humane Society

  • 29.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-20-2023 07:58 AM
    No problem  Email me directly when you know.

    Have a great day.

    Julie Townsend
    Grant Coordinator
    3077 Wilson Dr NW, Grand Rapids MI 49534

    Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

  • 30.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-20-2023 08:00 AM

    Julie- Thank you! I just requested to join your group, as well!

    Christine Robinson
    Tiny Paws Rescue Inc

  • 31.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 06-20-2023 08:00 AM

    Feel free to check out the Facebook group: Grant Writers Unite (Animal Welfare).  Good info sharing with like-minded people.

    Julie Townsend

  • 32.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 04-11-2024 01:11 PM

    Hi, for prospect research, I'd suggest using Candid's Foundation Directory They also have workshops/classes. In my experience, blind grant requests are rarely successful. Try to find an appropriate contact person (e.g., program officer) and their email and/or phone number. This can be tricky, but a resource to find emails is RocketReach Have an elevator pitch ready (whether email or phone). Both of these are subscription services, though. Here's a post by Candid about proposal writing, etc. Good luck.

    Leland Pitts
    Director of Grants Development
    Search and Care

  • 33.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-12-2024 11:26 PM

    Hi Leland,

    Thank you so much for sharing these great resources!

    Kade Alexie
    Donor Support Specialist
    Stray Cat Alliance

  • 34.  RE: Getting started with grant writing

    Posted 05-14-2024 04:30 AM

    This is a good timeless thread:    Here is another resource to add:

    Stacy LeBaron
    Head Cat
    The Community Cats Podcast
    Warren VT