Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  Is Animal Communication an innovative tool to benefit animals and shelters?

    Posted 20 days ago

    Aimee Sadler, CEO and Founder of Dogs Playing for Life agreed to participate in Giving Animals Voice Pilot 3 that gives shelters the opportunity, via experienced animal communicators, to ask questions of a dog and have the dog's response verbally relayed to them. You can read Aimee's comments and see a video she sent about the impact of the information DPFL received during a single 30 minute recorded communication with a dog named Arabella. To learn more about Pilot 3 read the FAQs at

    GAV's Pilot 3 has room for a few more organizations to participate. 


    Denise Nestel
    Founder and President
    Giving Animals Voice

  • 2.  RE: Is Animal Communication an innovative tool to benefit animals and shelters?

    Posted 16 days ago

    How to get Animal Communication readings to be  part of the process when working with particularly challenging animals/situations? I used it this past year and although we didn't change approach to what we were doing it gave many staffers and volunteers a greater understanding of the dog , greater empathy and continued commitment to re-homing.   There had been talks about  euthanizing b/c of the unlikely possibility of finding the right home . With greater empathy and understanding, those talks ceased as energy was put into accelerating networking.  Perfect home was found and dog is doing phenomenal.  Of course it would have been easier to kill the dog and justify it away as  too many organizations still do-Especially well funded organizations with tons of resource opportunities at their disposal-  But these dogs continue t o show  us with the right organization and team of professionals, there are alternatives v killing simply b/c an owner surrenders or dog makes it to the shelter only to be having a difficult time.  All these resources help u s to help these  animals.  We simply can't ignore these resources any longer and justify killing without having a resource protocol in place as the first option.

    Mary Lou Maraganis
    Animal Rescue Konnection
    Gloucester MA