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  • 1.  Watwring Cans for Cats

    Posted 20 days ago

    What do you use?

    We are located in NYS and are continuously updating and improving our shelter standards and needs based on the Animal Companion Shelter Standards defined by NYS.  As many shelters do we use watering cans to refill the water in animal cages.  One of the requirements is no standing water for watering, cleaning, etc. so far no problem.  The problem starts with the current watering cans in use, they fill openings are too small to put a hand or brush in to clean and there is no easy way to clean the spouts either.  We have tried an open watering can that works for larger bowls in larger cages, but is a bit tricky for smaller cat bowls in the smaller cages.

    Any suggestions on what you use that can be cleaned and sterilized and still economical?


    Kim Lees
    Operations Director
    Chautauqua County Humane Society

  • 2.  RE: Watwring Cans for Cats

    Posted 18 days ago

    i would think soaking them  in bleach water or using  a sink pressure sprayer would work.

    Rochelle Hamp
    Executive Director
    Headwaters Animal Shelter

  • 3.  RE: Watwring Cans for Cats

    Posted 14 days ago

    We often send our watering cans through our dishwasher which disinfects it. You could also, sort of like the other person suggested, soak it in disinfectant (we use Rescue and Peroxide at our shelter) for a couple minutes and then spray it down with water afterwards.

    Laurel Nelson
    Cat Welfare Supervisor
    Nebraska Humane Society