Foster Job-Alike Meeting: Foster Innovations

When:  Feb 7, 2022 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM (CT)
Associated with  Animal Welfare Professionals
Human Animal Support Services facilitates Job-Alike Groups to provide colleagues with similar roles and responsibilities the opportunity to discuss common issues, ask questions, determine best practices, and share program ideas among their peers. These groups include collaborative sessions that enable participants to share resources and develop relationships across multiple districts and settings.

The Foster Job-Alike group meets once a month to discuss successful foster innovations, collaborate with others in the field, answer questions and talk through complex foster-related issues.

Register here for these monthly meetings via Zoom



06-08-2023 10:46 AM

Hi @Nicole Swartzentruber 

You can find the recordings of the Foster Job-Alike meetings here:

The recording from this past week's meeting hasn't been uploaded but should be available within the next week. 

06-05-2023 12:10 PM

Are the meetings posted if we miss one?  I missed todays and was really looking forward to it :(

Any info is appreciated


01-14-2022 01:53 PM

Upcoming topics and speakers:

February 7th at 12:30pm ET

We’ll learn about several different organizations’ safety net foster programs (temporary care for pets whose owners are in crisis, but who would like to keep their pets in the long term).


Josh Fiala, Pet Support Services Manager at Animal Rescue League of Iowa

Kristin Judd, Foster Coordinator at Connecticut Humane Society

Andrea Giorgio, Intake & Rescue Manager, and

Krystyna Langford, Human and Animal Services Manager, Geauga Humane Society’s Rescue Village


March 7th at 12:30pm ET

In this meeting, we’ll be discussing finding foster placement for cats who are often our hardest to place: cats with ringworm, feline leukemia virus, incontinence and more!

Speakers: Austin Pets Alive!'s

Stephanie Bilbro, Director of Lifesaving Operations

Anita Lunos, Cat Care and Ringworm Manager

Kelly Garlock, Feline Leukemia Program Coordinator

Allie Wassel, Cat Matchmaker Team Lead

Event Image
When:  Feb 7, 2022 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM (CT)
Associated with  Animal Welfare Professionals


Online Instructions:
Login: Use the link above to register and follow the same link at the time of the meeting to join the Zoom call.