The Journey You Own Morning Meditation Practice is a free sitting meditation session to explore the meditation practices introduced during the Monthly Meditation Gatherings. This 30 minute, guided meditation session will be held via zoom on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 am PST/ 9:30am EST. Anyone is welcome to join. Participation in the Monthly Meditation Gathering is not required for the Morning Meditation Practice.
Why Meditation?
Meditation is useful for everyone from kids to seniors no matter what they do for work. For people in a highly stressful and traumatic field as animal welfare, the benefits can be life changing. There is so much scientific research that shows the benefits of meditation from helping to manage stress to increasing patience and self awareness. Folks working in the shelter environment are constantly faced with stressful situations and generally are not offered tools to help them deal with that stress. Likewise with traumatic experiences, the level that animal welfare workers deal with is not something they are trained on how to handle. Meditation is something that can open a door they didn't even realize existed. The ability to take 5, 10, 15 minutes and just sit in silence or listen to a guided meditation can feel like you just let go of the weight of the world. Meditation doesn't generally cost a person any money and does not take a lot of time but can greatly reduce the feelings of constant chaos or stress and help bring some tranquility to people in a field where calm is rarely the norm.
Register via Zoom:
Participants are welcome to join anonymously, with videos on or off - however you feel most comfortable. We will not include any introductory lesson or conversation. The first 5 minutes of the session will be spent in quiet contemplation as people enter the call, and then we will begin the guided portion of the meditation. If you join late, please keep your microphones muted and we ask that if you leave early, to leave quietly. These guided sessions will be recorded and shared later on our website.
Here's a link to more information about the different meditation offerings.
About the Host - Dr. Jyothi Robertson

Jyothi Robertson is a student of meditation practice for 40+ years and trauma-sensitive grounding practices formally for the past three years. She was raised by parents who practice meditation and lead spiritual teachings for members of their Indian community. She began pursuing her own formal exploration of spirituality as an anthropology major at Princeton University and conducted fieldwork for her thesis while living at an ashram (spiritual center) in India in 1996. As a veterinarian, she is interested in highlighting the spiritual connection between all living beings.
Jyothi has completed certifications in trauma-sensitive mindfulness, advanced trauma-sensitive meditation, deep listening, DEI, and since 2019, has been receiving training in Buddhist meditation practices and philosophy. As a student learning meditation, she is interested in exploring these practices with others in community.