About This Session: Feline behavior guru, vet tech, and cat-vocate Tabitha Kucera will join the next Focus on Felines Job-Alike for a discussion on some of her favorite topics. We'll talk about cat behavior science, flooding, scruffing, pain, and more. Bring your questions or send them to Job-Alike facilitator @Danielle Bays ahead of time.
About HASS Job-Alike Groups: Human Animal Support Services facilitates Job-Alike Groups to provide colleagues with similar roles and responsibilities the opportunity to discuss common issues, ask questions, determine best practices, and share program ideas among their peers. These groups include collaborative sessions that enable participants to share resources and develop relationships across multiple districts and settings.
This group is for Focus on Felines and occurs once a month unless otherwise posted.
You need only register once to attend each recurring meeting throughout the year. We ask for your email address in order to send out important announcements about upcoming meetings - we do not share your information.
Register Now: https://maddies.fund/registerfocusonfelinesjobalike
#Admissions and Intake (including Intake-to-placement)
#Adoptions and Adoption Programs
#Behavior, Training and Enrichment
#Community Cat Management
#Marketing and Social Media
#Medicine, Surgery and Sterilization
#Organizational Management