Original Message:
Sent: 01-23-2025 04:01 PM
From: Audrey Pierce
Subject: Decoding Behavior Certifications w/ Dorothy Baisly, Thurs Jan 23 @ 12 pm PT/3 pm ET: Maddie's Monthly Behavior Connection
First time attendee, loved it! Had more questions. Is this the place to discuss?
Audrey Pierce
Offsite cat adoption counselor
PAWS of Central Texas
Original Message:
Sent: 01-21-2025 06:54 PM
From: Sheila Segurson (she/her)
Subject: Decoding Behavior Certifications w/ Dorothy Baisly, Thurs Jan 23 @ 12 pm PT/3 pm ET: Maddie's Monthly Behavior Connection
Hi everyone,
Friendly reminder that our first free webcast of 2025 is on Thursday Jan 23 - join us to learn all about behavior certifications with Dot Baisly. This presentation is a good one for anyone interested in behavior certification or wanting to understand different certifications during the hiring process or as part of evaluating someone's credibility as a trainer or behaviorist.
Register for Maddie's Monthly Behavior Connection and join us on January 23rd at noon PT, 3 pm ET!
Sheila Segurson, DVM, DACVB
Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist
Director of Shelter Solutions
Maddie's Fund
Pleasanton CA
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2025 06:08 PM
From: Sheila Segurson (she/her)
Subject: Decoding Behavior Certifications w/ Dorothy Baisly, Thurs Jan 23 @ 12 pm PT/3 pm ET: Maddie's Monthly Behavior Connection
Hi everyone and happy new year!
Are you curious about what those initials after a dog trainer or behaviorist's name mean? Join us for our first Maddie's Monthly Behavior Connection of 2025 where we'll be learning from Dorothy Baisly about Alphabet Soup!: Decoding Behavior Certifications.
The behavior and training world is full of letters and it can be very confusing to navigate. Which letters mean what and how do you know as a behavior professional which certifications you should pursue? Even harder for shelter leadership is knowing who to hire to best serve the animals in your care.
Meet with Dot Baisly, the Executive Director of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) for a discussion on deciphering all those letters and learn about the IAABC's certifications, particularly the shelter behavior certifications. These certs are the only ones in the animal behavior industry that are specific to the needs of shelters and their animals. Dot will review the steps to becoming certified and be available after for a discussion and answer questions anyone may have about certifications and IAABC specifically.
Whether or not you have a personal interest in behavior, learning about all those letters can help your work in supporting animals.
Register for Maddie's Monthly Behavior Connection and join us on January 23rd; you only need to register once for this monthly series. If you can't find the meeting invite in your calendar, search your email for a message from 'Maddie's Fund Education' that allows you to add the recurring invite to your calendar.
If you missed our December webcast, be sure to check out Behavior Modification Plans w/ Tom Candy. It was a good one! Tom is a certified clinical animal behaviorist with the Animal Behaviour and Training Council in the United Kingdom, and it was super interesting to learn about the amazing work he does in the U.K. Tom also runs Simplifying Shelter Behaviour, a Facebook page and podcast dedicated to bringing up to date, positive based training and behaviour tips and tricks to shelter and rescue staff and volunteers.
About the speaker:
Dot Baisly is the Executive Director for the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). Dot also holds a master's degree in Animal Behavior from Tufts University and is a certified dog behavior consultant (CDBC), certified cat behavior consultant (CCBC), and certified shelter behavior specialist (CSBS). Most recently she was the director of behavior for Northeast Animal Shelter where she built a behavior program and transformed the organization's approach to behavior as a result of her leadership. Prior to this she was also the lead behavior staff at the SPCA of Westchester and then the Animal Rescue League of Boston.
Dot also worked as a consultant for Paws With A Cause, working with service dogs and the clients they serve for over 10 years. She has been working in animal welfare, veterinary care and behavior for over 20 years, both in animal welfare and rescue organizations and as a private consultant. Dot has consulted with private clients since her initial certifications, working with owned cats and dogs on a regular basis.
In her private practice, Dot specializes in working with dogs and cats exhibiting significant behavioral concerns, including human-directed aggression. She also provides consultations to shelters across the country where she has evaluated dogs, educated staff and volunteers and continues to be recognized as a key leader in the animal welfare and shelter behavior community where she is sought out for her expertise, compassion, and skill in leading change efforts.
Prior to working in sheltering, Dot managed a veterinary clinic and worked as a technician where she developed her knowledge and skills in low-stress veterinary handling. Since that time, Dot has taught those techniques in shelters and at veterinary practices across the country.
Sheila Segurson, DVM, DACVB
Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist
Director of Shelter Solutions
Maddie's Fund
Pleasanton CA