Success really should only be if the animal is for sure reunited with the owner. If an animal is microchipped, reunification is very likely if the owner lost and did not abandon the animal. Finding an owner of a non-microchipped animal is so difficult. We had one this past year thanks to the FB community recognizing the cat's photo once we took him in with a lost flyer they had seen elsewhere on FB. The cat had been missing for over 2 months and was skin and bones but his owners were beyond happy to have him back. We featured him on our monthly newsletter and encouraged people to donate to the nonprofit his owner works for.
Organizations using RTH/RTO language who are actually just TNVRing and not looking for or confirming a caretaker should not be counting those animals or claiming success. You have no idea if the animals has an owner or even a steady feeder if you are just returning and not speaking to the community. I have seen shelters near me switch from RTH to RTH/RTO and I am not sure what the reasoning is but it is disingenuous
Amanda Gray
Fundraising and Grants Manager
Operation Liberation
Original Message:
Sent: 08-01-2023 07:25 AM
From: Nichole Boudreau
Subject: Does your organization set RTH/RTO Goals?
Does your organization have goals around # or % of lost pets returned-to-home/owner? How about goals for reclaims done in the field vs. over the counter (OTC)? And how do you celebrate success when goals are met?
Nichole Boudreau
Embedded Data & Implementation Coordinator
Human Animal Support Services at American Pets Alive!