Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  Euthanasia Policy

    Posted 12-04-2024 09:25 PM

    I'm looking for SOPs on Euthanasia from other municipal shelters with contracts for Animal Control.  I'm not looking to discuss the matter or get any feathers ruffled. I just want to compare protocols. Thanks! 


    Aly Martinez
    Panhandle Animal Welfare Society

  • 2.  RE: Euthanasia Policy

    Posted 12-05-2024 04:19 AM

    I volunteer at a shelter in Russellville, KY and we have an animal control officer now that we employ through the county along with our shelter.

    Candice Tousignant
    Southern paws animal rescue

  • 3.  RE: Euthanasia Policy

    Posted 12-05-2024 01:16 PM

    Do you have an SOP for your shelter's process? Unsure what you mean by you employ an Animal Control Officer...?

    Aly Martinez
    Panhandle Animal Welfare Society