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  • 1.  Is there a service to benchmark your animal shelter operations with local area ones?

    Posted 10-01-2024 12:11 PM

    When I was ED of a medium size dog shelter, I was operating blind with respect to what best of breed quantitative metrics in dog shelters was so I could understand why we were where we were, and maybe ask questions!  My board wanted to understand benchmarks, and how we were doing relative to them.  I couldn't find a service that would do it.  I was thinking of creating one through some grant money.  The sole purpose is to help shelters get better without the large expense of bringing in the DREADED (and expensive) consultant.  I think all ED's can change their operations since they know their shelter best, so giving them information could help with donor efficiency, AND satisfy board mandates.  Maybe integrating into Petstablished?

    While this all sounds great on paper, this would be somewhat expensive to collect the data, and I would need some backing, and probably charge a small fee/year.  I wanted to get some feedback on this.  What you can measure you can better, and if things look poor, the data will explain why!  

    Please help before I embark on something stupid!


    Jeffrey Bianchi
    ex-Executive Director

  • 2.  RE: Is there a service to benchmark your animal shelter operations with local area ones?

    Posted 10-01-2024 05:01 PM

    Have you looked at Shelter Animals Count and Best Friends Animal Society's Shelter Pet Data Alliance? They both integrate we shelter software.

    Chris Fitzgerald
    Chief Product Officer
    Rochester NY

  • 3.  RE: Is there a service to benchmark your animal shelter operations with local area ones?

    Posted 10-02-2024 10:32 AM

    I second the vote for Shelter Pet Data Alliance. I find that Shelter Pet Data Alliance works well for benchmarking our performance against other shelters. You can filter down to others in the area, other shelters with similar intake numbers, only brick and mortar etc which is nice when you want to know how you compare to similar shelters. They have a pretty significant number of shelters represented in the data and the data dashboards summarizing the data we submit are great as well. 

    Quinn Sweet
    Outreach Program Coordinator
    Washoe County Regional Animal Services