Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  Minimizing stress in cleaning protocols

    Posted 03-16-2023 01:42 PM

    I have seen a webinar (or part of a webinar) about being mindful of stress reduction in cleaning protocols - i.e. practicing minimally invasive cleaning techniques so as not to stress out animals (not removing cats from kennels if you don't have to; not changing bedding if it's not soiled; not spraying harsh chemicals into cages if not needed; etc). I cannot remember where I saw it, but want to show it to my kennel technicians. It *may* have been part of some series Kelley Bollen did about animal behavior and stress reduction? Has anyone seen anything similar they can point me to?


    Devon Smith
    Executive Director
    League for Animal Welfare
    Batavia, OH

  • 2.  RE: Minimizing stress in cleaning protocols

    Posted 03-16-2023 01:47 PM

    While I don't have a specific link, I know both the Fear Free Bonus Course as well as Best Friends have talked heavily about this if that helps. I am also always looking for new rescources on this very topic as well so am also following for other's responses. 

    Amber Cabell

  • 3.  RE: Minimizing stress in cleaning protocols

    Posted 03-16-2023 07:06 PM

    I blanked on the term "spot cleaning" - when I remembered it, I was able to google a bunch of helpful materials!

    Devon Smith