Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  Survey participation request

    Posted 12-11-2024 12:02 PM

    I am an Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Houston-Clear Lake.  I have a PhD in animal behavior.  I am part of a team trying to do research on animal shelters and rescues.  For this particular project, we are conducting a survey study to identify the information that pet re-homing organizations use to select appropriate adopters for the animals they care for.  The scientific literature includes few studies concerning the types of information shelters and rescue groups use to match adopters with pets, leaving organizations with little help in determining how best to evaluate adoptive homes and the animals that may fit these homes best.  Our study will provide an overview of the categories of information organizations request and how it is used, filling this gap in the literature.  We hope to assist animal re-homing organizations in their quest to identify great homes for all their pets.  Would Your institution be able to complete the survey?  If so, the link is:

    Also, please let me know if you have any thoughts on other places we can post or if you can connect us with any contacts.




    Angela Kelling
    Associate Professor of Psychology
    University of Houston-Clear Lake

  • 2.  RE: Survey participation request

    Posted 11 days ago

    Thanks to all who have already filled out.  We still would love more participants if anyone is willing.

    Angela Kelling
    Associate Professor of Psychology
    University of Houston-Clear Lake