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Toolkit on starting a crisis foster program

  • 1.  Toolkit on starting a crisis foster program

    Posted 29 days ago
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    Hi all,

    I wanted to share this toolkit that Paws Between Homes (PBH), a crisis foster organization in Atlanta, put together to share what we learned with other people looking to start similar organizations.

    I was one of the PBH co-founders and served as the Board President.  After 5 years as an independent nonprofit serving the community, PBH has now become a part of the Atlanta Humane Society's Pets in Crisis Support Program, which I manage.  I hope this toolkit is helpful to others interested in creating or deepening this type of program in your community.  I'm happy to answer any questions.


    Cole Thaler


    Cole Thaler
    Manager, Pets in Crisis Support Program
    Atlanta Humane Society


    Pet Safety Nets Toolkit.pdf   2.04 MB 1 version