We also have a transport sprinter van that we use mainly for big events. As far as a check out, we don't have a need for that because ours is always planned in advance with who is taking it when/where/for what event.
We just take a copy of the license/registration of anyone who will be driving the van, and they have to be 18+. I would also just remind whoever is driving it that they are a representative of your organization and to be cautious/obey all traffic laws, especially if your van is wrapped/branded you want to have a responsible image while out in your community.
Make sure everyone knows who the go-to person is that's responsible for maintenance of the van as well in case it needs gas, tire checks, etc.
Riley Bailey
Spay & Neuter Clinic Manger
Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter
Original Message:
Sent: 05-28-2024 03:15 PM
From: Jeanette Hanneman
Subject: Transport Van Safety and Training
We recently purchased a van for transporting dogs and cats to spay and neuter appointments. Volunteers and staff will be driving the van.
I am looking for safety protocols for volunteers, checkoff sheets, training etc.
Does anyone have this information that you would share with me?
Thanks so much!
Jeanette Hanneman
Center Manager
Eastern Madera County SPCA
Ahwahnee CA