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  • 1.  Useful Documents and Hand-Outs

    Posted 19 days ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm curious to see if anyone has any useful (publicly available) hand-outs or documents you can share when preparing a first-time foster on what to expect when taking in a shelter dog?  I've a good set on the 3-3-3 rule, but was curious to see if anyone has anything on what to do to help the dog decompress, what to do when there's a dog fight, how to introduce the dog to the family dog, etc. Thank you!


    Jessica Liu

  • 2.  RE: Useful Documents and Hand-Outs

    Posted 14 days ago

    Hi Jessica,

    I am wondering if foster manuals might have what you are looking for. Best Friends and many other rescues have their own and probably are willing to share. You may want to check Good Pup as well. I am a trainer and want to share my thoughts on the 3-3-3 rule.  It is great advice but from my experience working with fosters I changed the word "rule" to "guideline." At the very least, the 3-3-3 "guideline" should be followed. "Guideline" allows for some flexibility as dogs often set their own pace based on their past experiences and I discovered that too many people panic when the dogs don't follow the rules or reach certain benchmarks. Good Luck! 

    Julielani Chang
    The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
    Davis CA