About This Call's Topic: Low Impact Debriefing 101: Sharing Our Stories Safely
Research shows that regular, structured debriefing conversations significantly reduces the risk of secondary traumatic stress symptoms for helping professionals working in complex-stress, trauma-exposed environments. Venting about the difficult things we experience at work is natural, but debriefing isn’t what we do in the parking lot after our shift ends. To benefit from debriefing (and reduce the risk of spreading secondary trauma to our peers), we need to be intentional about how and what we share with each other. In this brief talk, we’ll learn a few simple tips to help us debrief more effectively, so that we can safely reflect on and process our work experiences.
Guest Speaker: Jessica Dolce, Founder of The Compassion in Balance Program
Jessica Dolce, MS CCFE, is a Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator, receiving her training from TEND Academy. She brings 20 years of experience working with and for companion animals to The Compassion in Balance ® Program, her online education platform for animal shelters.
She is an instructor with The Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida where she teaches wellbeing courses for veterinary students and animal welfare professionals. Jessica has worked with organizations such as the ASPCA, HSUS, The Animal Legal Defense Fund, The National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association, Best Friends Animal Society, and Animals Asia.
Jessica holds a Master of Science in Adult and Higher Education degree, is a Certified 3 Vital Questions ® Trainer, and certified in Mental Health First Aid. She lives in Maine and can be found online at: https://jessicadolce.com and http://compassioninbalance.com
About Community Conversations:
Maddie’s Fund, hosts a weekly hour-long Zoom call for animal well-being professionals. These calls are a collaborative space to share exciting new programs and research, discuss uncomfortable topics, connect with peers in the industry, and more, all while sharing a common goal of preserving the human-animal bond.
This call, recurring each Monday unless otherwise posted, is for executive directors, animal well-being leaders, shelter workers, pet support professionals, volunteers, and rescue organizations.
You need only register once to attend each recurring meeting. By registering for this event, your email address will be added to our community conversations mailing list where weekly meeting agendas and announcements are shared by Maddie's Fund. We do not share your information.
All calls are recorded and uploaded to the Community Conversations page on Maddie’s Pet Forum https://forum.maddiesfund.org/communityconversations
Please note: All views expressed on these calls are not necessarily endorsed by Maddie’s Fund.