A participant in this group brought up some questions regarding liability insurance, a very smart thing to have! I looked locally here in TN and no one offers such a thing, hmmm, why not? I did pick up some suggestions from Maddie' Pet Forum participants and looked into the matter further for my own well being & peace of mind, even though 4 out of my 5 rescue K9's are Certified Service Dogs. Because they are Certified, an agent found that to be crucial in determining rates, etc. A company in Petaluma, CA gave me a quote of $900+ for 12 months! I have 11 cats, not in the public sector & 5 dogs (all RESCUES) that are.....I am in debate on this as $900 could pay for ALOT of S/N's.....Does anyone know of any other options or companies, I would love to hear from you...Thank you.
Mary Murray, LadywiththeHuskies, PROOF4PETS & https://greeneanimalleague.org
[Mary Murray]
[Founder, CEO and President
[Greene Animal League
[Greeneville, TN